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In this session, three researchers will share how they entered the field of Quantum Information Science coming from a Mathematics background, followed by an overview of their current work at the intersection of these two disciplines.
Gorjan Alagic is an Associate Research Scientist at QuICS and UMIACS. His research lies at the intersection of theoretical computer science and mathematics, with a particular focus on quantum algorithms and cryptography. He previously held research positions at Caltech, the University of Waterloo, and the University of Copenhagen. He did his doctorate work with Alexander Russell at the University of Connecticut.
Dong An is a QuICS Hartree Postdoctoral Fellow in quantum information science. His research interests include quantum algorithms, computational quantum mechanics, and an interdisciplinary study on quantum computing and applied mathematics. He received his doctorate in Applied Mathematics from University of California, Berkeley in 2021.
Carl Miller is an Adjunct Associate Professor at QuICS and a Mathematician in the Computer Security Division at NIST. He studies new cryptography for the quantum era, including topics such as verifiable random number generation, quantum protocols between mutually mistrustful parties, and classical “postquantum” cryptography. Miller received a Ph. D. in Mathematics from Berkeley in 2007, followed by a research fellowship in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Michigan.
(Bios adapted from