RIT (Research Interaction Team) in Quantum Information Science, Spring 2025


Carl Miller, Daniel Serrano, Konstantina Trivisa

When and Where:

Wednesdays, 1pm, Kirwan Hall 3206


In this seminar, we are interested in all aspects of research at the intersection between quantum information science and mathematics. Goals for the seminar include:

  • Studying recent research results in quantum information from a mathematical angle;
  • Finding examples (old and new) in which existing tools from mathematics have been adapted for application in quantum information;
  • Studying quantum algorithms for mathematical problems
  • Enabling interaction between researchers interested in collaborating at the intersection between quantum information and mathematics.

If interested in joining, reach out to Daniel Serrano (dsvolpe@umd.edu). Optional: 1 credit. Course number: AMSC689, Section 5201. Reach out to Jessica Sadler for help with registration (jsadler@umd.edu). To earn 1 credit, you need to give a talk and attend all sessions (2 excused absences allowed).

Session 4 (03/12, 1pm, Kirwan Hall 3206):

“The Quantum Information Processing 2025 Conference”

Participants are encouraged to bring laptop computers to this session.

The goal of this session is to find interesting mathematical content in the papers that were featured in the QIP 2025 conference last month. The session will open with a report from Carl Miller about talks that he attended at QIP 2025. Links to some online papers from the conference will be provided, and then attendees will be invited to work together to summarize the math from these papers. We will try to identify avenues for future research.

Session 3 (03/05, 1pm, Kirwan Hall 3206):

“Shor’s Algorithm, Part II (of II)” - Larry Washington

In 1994, the field of quantum computing had a significant breakthrough when Peter Shor introduced a quantum algorithm that factors integers in (probabilistic) polynomial time. In these talks, I’ll explain the mathematical aspects of Shor’s algorithm.

Session 3 (02/26, 1pm, Kirwan Hall 3206):

“Shor’s Algorithm, Part I (of II)” - Larry Washington

In 1994, the field of quantum computing had a significant breakthrough when Peter Shor introduced a quantum algorithm that factors integers in (probabilistic) polynomial time. In these talks, I’ll explain the mathematical aspects of Shor’s algorithm.

Part II will follow on 3/5.

Session 2 (02/12, 1pm, Kirwan Hall 3206):

“Hidden-State Proofs of Quantumness and the Discrete Fourier Transform” - Carl Miller

A cryptographic proof of quantumness is a hypothetical test that could be used to prove a quantum computational advantage based on hardness assumptions from cryptography. An experimental realization of such a test would be a major milestone in the development of quantum computation. However, error tolerance is a persistent challenge for implementing such tests: we need a test that not only can be passed by an efficient quantum prover, but one that can be passed by a prover that exhibits a certain amount of computational error. In this talk I will present a technique for improving the error-tolerance in a cryptographic proof of quantumness. The technique is based on hiding a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state within a sequence of classical bits. After giving an overview of this new approach, I will discuss one of the central tools used in the security proof: a strengthened uncertainty principle for the discrete Fourier transform.

Reference: C. Miller, “Hidden-State Proofs of Quantumness,” https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.06368

Session 1 (02/05, 1pm, Kirwan Hall 3206):

“Intro and Logistics”

This organizational meeting will involve

  1. an overview of the Spring 2025 format, which aims to encourage interaction and networking between participants
  2. feedback from participants about topics of interest
  3. choosing speaking slots for the rest of the semester

Previous RITs:

Spring 2024 Fall 2023